Monday, May 31, 2010

Yosa Buson & Masaoka Shiki

Rounding out this blog's section on haikus are Masters Buson and Shiki. Both wrote most of their work in the late nineteenth century. Below are some of their works.

coming back-
so many pathways
through the spring grass

-Yosa Buson

fresh young leaves
the sound of a waterfall
both far and near

-Yosa Buson

in sorrow
wandering the hill
wild roses flowering

-Yosa Buson


yuki furu yo
shōji no ana o
mite areba

snow's falling!
I see it through a hole
in the shutter...

-Masaoka Shiki


suzushisa ya
taki hotobashiru
ie no ai

a mountain stream splashes out
between houses

-Masaoka Shiki

Works Cited: "The Haiku of Yosa Buson." Greenleaf Company. N.p., n.d. Web. Jun 3, 2010.
"Haiku of Masaoka Shiki." N.p., n.d. Web. Jun 3, 2010.

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